105. St. Adalbert of Prague is Martyred, Truso, Poland 997

Here we see the very annoyed pagan Balts killing St. Adalbert, who will be sanctified within a couple of years. This is one of the 18 panels on the doors on the Gniezno Cathedral in Poland. Where St. Adalbert’s relics might be. Or not. It depends on whether the Bohemians got the right ones when they raided the cathedral. But are they St. Adalbert’s bones? Cause what if he was actually killed in Königsberg/Kalingrad?

Adalbert of Prague wanted very much to go Christianize the Prussians, but they were just not having it, so they hacked him up and cut his head off, and that is why he is a Saint, with an enormous number of churches around the globe dedicated to him. Anne spends time thinking about what was the snack that we are told Adalbert and his companions were eating before the murder, and Michelle considers the recently discovered account of Adalbert that is older than the one we had, although really what she’s interested in is St. Bruno of Querfurt, the Second Apostle to the Prussians, who admired Adalbert so much that he went off to the Balkans just like his hero, and got slaughtered in Lithuania. Michelle’s quite taken by the fact that nobody really outside of Poland pays any attention to Bruno. Alas.

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