54. Fulbert’s Henchmen Attack Peter Abelard, Paris, France 1117

Most of the images of Abelard available on the ‘net are either of him looking like a philosopher, or of him and Heloise. But here we have a French engraving from 1800, depicting The Assault. Abelard was really good at fights. As long as they were verbal.

One night, in Paris, thugs broke into the room of Peter Abelard, renowned theologian and philosopher, and beloved teacher, and castrated him.  Because Fulbert, the uncle of Heloise, was REALLY annoyed that Abelard and Heloise were keeping their marriage secret.  Which they had entered into so that Fulbert wouldn’t be so upset about the affair that they had been having.  Also their son, Astrolabe, or, as Anne likes to think of him, Global Positioning System. Fulbert just had no moderation. Abelard went off to be a monk for while and then wander around, Heloise went off to run a nunnery, they both wrote lots of letters, and Astrolabe (after being raised by Abelard’s sister Denise) grew up to work in at least two churches. And then later Abelard and Heloise became very famous as tragic lovers. And you can go and leave letters on their supposed grave in Paris, asking them for help with your love affairs, though really that doesn’t seem like a great idea, given all that bad luck they had, and also they probably aren’t there. The end.

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