King Alboin was a very successful king of the Lombards, and conquered the Gepids, and took Rosamund, the daughter of the king of the Gepids, as his wife, and everything was great, but then Rosamund murdered him, with the help of her lover. She was probably not very happy about the marriage, since she was still mourning the deaths of her father and her grandfather and her brother, so probably being married to the guy that killed them wasn’t fun. The story got embellished pretty quickly; Alboin made Rosamund drink out of the skull of her father, for instance — nice detail but your hosts don’t believe it happened. As time went on, the story stopped being about Alboin and started being about Rosamund. Michelle watched an entire movie from 1961, and says we should not do that, but she gives us a link anyway. Just in case.
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