55. Winter Shenanigans (Lords of Misrule), Europe 500-1600

In this 19th century engraving, we see a boy bishop in procession with his boy canons. They look very sweet, don’t they? And well behaved. And probably they were, for a while. Later, they will roam around the town, demanding money. Oh, and wearing masks. Winter Shenanigans often require masks.

It’s important, in the middle of the winter, to take part in raucous activities, and there were lots in medieval Europe. Boys being bishops, men and women switching clothes, parishioners gambling in the churches, and, unsurprisingly, most everybody drinking.  Lots. Besides giving you the history, Anne explains a Christmas Celebration Gone Terribly Wrong, and Michelle tells you about that time that the Tudors used the Christmas celebrations as a prelude to an execution. Tacky.

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